
Current Travel Stories

AirBnb et al – Guess who’s watching Cruise Ship Horrors – Literally ……….. US Govt Travel Advisory Update – Israel and Gaza You can’t burn mud …… Medical Tourism – MS Treatment in Mexico Too […]

Annual Travel Insurance

What is Group Travel Insurance?

Group Travel Insurance Group travel insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for a group of individuals who are travelling together. This type of insurance is commonly purchased by organizations, businesses, tour […]


Travel Insurance by Country

Travel insurance is pretty much a must, whatever country you are going to visit, but its cost and necessity does vary country by country. For some countries it is a legal requirement, for others things […]


Too Fat to Fly ………..

According to reports in Thailand, Thai Airways Is considering banning people who they considered too large to fit into their new seats in their business class cabins. Far from being seen as any type of […]