Road Trips

How to Get Travel Insurance Claims Settled

travelTravel Insurance Claims

Most people don’t really read their travel insurance policy until they need to make a claim on it, and then it can often present one or two nasty surprises.

People get very upset, naturally, if their claim is rejected by the insurance company, whatever the reason.

It can be a real help to understand the reasons why insurance companies tend to reject claims, as people can then be prepared in advance to make sure that if their claim is legitimate they have solid ground on which to pursue it and have it settled.

Below is a list of the most common reasons why claims are rejected, followed by a number of articles looking at some of the reasons in more detail :

Some common reasons for travel claims being rejected:

  1. Not Filling in a Claims Form Properly: Failing to provide all the required information or providing inaccurate details can lead to claims being rejected. It’s essential to fill out the claim forms accurately and include all necessary supporting documentation.
  2. Policy Exclusions: Most travel insurance policies have specific exclusions and limitations. Claims for events or circumstances that fall under these exclusions may be rejected. Common exclusions include pre-existing medical conditions, certain high-risk activities, and events caused by illegal or reckless behaviour.
  3. Late Filing or Notification of a Claim : Insurance companies typically have strict deadlines for filing claims. Failing to submit a claim within the specified timeframe may result in rejection. It’s crucial to be aware of these deadlines and submit a claim as quickly as possible .
  4. Lack of Proper Documentation: Claims often require supporting documentation, such as medical reports, police reports, or receipts. Failure to provide the necessary documents or evidence to substantiate the claim can lead to the claim being rejected.
  5. Unapproved Expenses: Some policies may have restrictions on the types of expenses that can be claimed. If the incurred expenses are not covered under the policy, the claim may be rejected. It’s important to review the policy terms and conditions to understand what is covered.
  6. Failure to Notify the Insurance Company: In certain situations, policyholders are required to inform the insurance company promptly, usually within specified time limits, such as in the case of medical emergencies or trip cancellations. Failure to notify the insurer within the specified time frame may result in the claim being rejected.
  7. Policy Lapses or Non-Payment of Premiums: If the policy has lapsed due to non-payment of premiums, the coverage may no longer be in effect, leading to the claim being rejected. It’s important to maintain the policy in good standing by paying premiums on time.
  8. Misrepresentation: Providing false information during the application process or when filing a claim can result in the denial of the claim. It’s essential to be honest and transparent when dealing with the insurance provider. False information can mean either providing information that isn’t true, or not telling them something that is relevant to the policy, i.e. by omission

Can You Get Travel Insurance with High Blood Pressure?

Travel Insurance and High Blood Pressure

Travel insurance for individuals with high blood pressure is available and can be obtained with a bit of research and careful planning.

When applying for travel insurance, it’s important to disclose high blood pressure as a pre-existing condition to ensure proper coverage. If the condition is well-controlled, in many cases, there should be no extra premium to pay to include high blood pressure cover on the travel insurance policy.

Some insurance companies offer coverage for the acute onset of pre-existing conditions such as heart attack or stroke, which can be beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure.

While the cost of travel insurance with high blood pressure may be slightly higher, it is essential to disclose the condition to avoid any claim being rejected.

It’s recommended to explore different insurance companies and their specific medical screening tools to find the most suitable and affordable travel insurance for anyone who has high blood pressure.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

In the context of travel insurance, a pre-existing medical condition refers to any health condition that you have been diagnosed with or received treatment for before the effective date of your travel insurance policy.

When you purchase travel insurance, the terms and coverage can vary among different insurance providers. Some travel insurance policies may exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions, while others may offer coverage with certain conditions or limitations.

It’s essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of a travel insurance policy, especially regarding coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.

Some policies may have a “look-back period,” which means they consider your medical history for a specific period before the policy’s effective date. If you have a pre-existing condition, it’s crucial to disclose it accurately during the application process to ensure that you have the right coverage and to avoid potential issues with claims.

Travel Insurance Medical Coverage

Travel insurance policies can vary widely in terms of coverage, and the specific medical coverage provided can depend on the type of policy you choose. However, most travel insurance policies typically include the following medical coverage:

  1. Emergency Medical Expenses: This coverage helps reimburse you for medical expenses incurred as a result of an illness or injury during your trip. It may include hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and other necessary medical treatments.
  2. Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation: This coverage is designed to cover the costs associated with emergency medical evacuation to the nearest adequate medical facility or repatriation to your home country in case of a serious illness or injury.
  3. Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D): Some policies include coverage for accidental death or dismemberment that occurs during your trip.
  4. Trip Interruption and Trip Cancellation: While not directly medical coverage, these features can be related. If your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to a covered medical reason (such as illness or injury), the policy may reimburse you for non-refundable trip expenses.
  5. Travel Assistance Services: Many travel insurance policies provide access to a 24/7 assistance hotline. This service can help you find local medical facilities, arrange emergency medical transportation, and provide other assistance in case of a medical emergency.

Medical Screening Questions

When applying for travel insurance, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition such as high blood pressure, insurance providers may ask specific screening questions to assess the risk. Keep in mind that the exact questions may vary between insurance companies, but most will include the following types of question:

  1. Diagnosis and Treatment:
    • Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure?
    • When were you first diagnosed?
    • Are you currently taking any medication for high blood pressure?
  2. Control and Stability:
    • Is your blood pressure currently stable and under control?
    • Have you had any recent changes in your blood pressure medication or dosage?
    • Have you experienced any significant changes in your health or symptoms related to high blood pressure recently?
  3. Complications and Symptoms:
    • Have you experienced any complications related to high blood pressure, such as a stroke or heart attack?
    • Do you have any symptoms that may indicate uncontrolled high blood pressure, such as severe headaches or vision problems?
  4. Hospitalization and Medical History:
    • Have you been hospitalized for high blood pressure or any related conditions?
    • Do you have any other medical conditions that are related to or affected by high blood pressure?
  5. Lifestyle and Risk Factors:
    • Do you smoke or use tobacco products?
    • What is your alcohol consumption?
    • Are you following a specific diet or exercise regimen to manage your blood pressure?
  6. Follow-up and Monitoring:
    • How often do you have follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your blood pressure?
    • Have you had any recent tests or assessments related to your high blood pressure?
  7. Underlying conditions:  Do you have any other medical conditions related to high blood pressure, such as heart disease, kidney disease, or diabetes? If so, how are these conditions managed?

  8. Travel destination: Where are you planning to travel? What are the specific activities you intend to participate in while there? Are there any unique health risks or considerations related to your destination and planned activities.

What is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and other health problems.

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. It is measured in two numbers: systolic and diastolic. Systolic pressure is the force when your heart beats, and diastolic pressure is the force when your heart is at rest.

Normal Blood Pressure

Normal blood pressure is considered to be below 120/80 mm Hg. Elevated blood pressure is considered to be between 120/80 and 129/89 mm Hg. Stage 1 hypertension is between 130/80 and 139/89 mm Hg. Stage 2 hypertension is 140/90 mm Hg or higher.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure usually does not cause any symptoms. However, if it is not controlled, it can damage your blood vessels, heart, brain, kidneys, and other organs.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

The exact cause of high blood pressure is unknown. However, there are a number of factors that can contribute to the condition, including:
Genetics: If you have a family history of high blood pressure, you are more likely to develop it yourself.

  • Age: High blood pressure becomes more common as you get older.
  • Obesity: Being overweight or obese can raise your blood pressure.
  • Physical inactivity: Not getting enough exercise can also raise your blood pressure.
  • Salt intake: Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure.
  • Alcohol consumption: Drinking too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure.
  • Caffeine consumption: Drinking too much caffeine can raise your blood pressure, especially for people who are sensitive to it.
  • Smoking: Smoking can damage your blood vessels and raise your blood pressure.
  • Certain medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as kidney disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea, can also raise your blood pressure.

Treatment of High Blood Pressure

The goal of treating high blood pressure is to lower it to a safe level and keep it there. This can be done with lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, eating a healthy diet, limiting salt and alcohol intake, and getting regular exercise. In some cases, medications may also be needed.

Prevention of High Blood Pressure.

The best way to prevent high blood pressure is to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, being physically active, and limiting salt and alcohol intake.

Safest Way to Travel if you have High Blood Pressure

The safety way to travel for individuals with high blood pressure can depend on various factors, and it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. However, here are some general considerations:

  1. Car travel: Driving or being a passenger in a car allows you to have some control over your environment. You can take breaks when needed, control the temperature, and make other adjustments to ensure comfort. However, long periods of sitting can contribute to blood pressure issues, so it’s essential to take breaks, stretch, and stay hydrated.
  2. Train travel: Trains provide a relatively stable and smooth ride compared to some other modes of transportation. They often have more space to move around and may offer better seating options than planes or buses. However, the duration of the journey and amenities on the train can vary.
  3. Bus travel: Similar to car travel, bus travel allows for more control over your environment. However, long bus rides may involve extended periods of sitting, so it’s essential to take breaks and stay comfortable.
  4. Air travel: Flying can be a quick and efficient mode of transportation, but it comes with some considerations. Changes in cabin pressure and altitude can affect individuals with certain health conditions, including high blood pressure. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before air travel, especially for long flights. If flying, remember to get out of your seat and walk around several times during the flight.
  5. Boat or cruise travel: While travel by boat or cruise can be a relaxing experience, factors like motion sickness, changes in sea conditions, and the duration of the journey should be taken into account. Some people may find the motion of the sea unsettling.

Managing High Blood Pressure when travelling

Here are some general tips for individuals with high blood pressure when traveling:

  1. Consult your doctor: Before making any travel plans, consult with your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance based on your specific health condition and medications.
  2. Maintain medication routine: If you’re taking medication for high blood pressure, make sure you take it as prescribed. Bring enough medication for the duration of your trip, plus a little extra in case of unexpected delays.
  3. Stay hydrated: Dehydration can affect blood pressure. Drink plenty of water, especially if you’re flying, as the cabin air can be dry.
  4. Limit sodium intake: Try to avoid high-sodium foods, as excess salt can contribute to high blood pressure. This is especially important if you’re eating at restaurants or consuming pre-packaged foods while traveling.
  5. Regular breaks during travel: If you’re on a long journey, whether by car, train, or plane, take breaks to stretch your legs and move around. Prolonged periods of inactivity can contribute to blood pressure issues.
  6. Avoid excessive alcohol: Alcohol can affect blood pressure, so it’s advisable to limit your alcohol intake, especially if you have high blood pressure.
  7. Monitor your blood pressure: If you have a portable blood pressure monitor, consider bringing it with you to check your blood pressure regularly, especially if you’re traveling for an extended period.
  8. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can contribute to high blood pressure. Aim for regular, adequate sleep, especially if you’re crossing time zones.
  9. Choose stress-free travel options: Minimize stress by planning your trip well in advance, arriving at the airport or station early, and allowing for extra time to account for delays.
  10. Inform travel companions: If you’re traveling with others, make sure they are aware of your condition and what to do in case of an emergency.

Country Specific Information

When travelling overseas, it is a really good idea to do a bit of research about the country itself, especially information about the country’s healthcare system. This allows you to make a plan in the case of an emergency. Also any information that can affect someone’s stress levels, like types of accommodation, time zones, holiday activities etc.


What is Travel Bingo?

TravelTravel Bingo

Travel Bingo is a game that adds an element of fun and engagement to long car rides or journeys. It’s a variation of traditional bingo that is adapted for travel. The game typically involves creating bingo cards with items or landmarks commonly found along the route or at the travel destination.

Travel Bingo sets usually include bingo sheets, pencils, and a game board that can be reused for multiple trips

Each player gets a bingo card, which is a grid with different items or scenarios related to travel. These items can include things like a red car, a gas station, a specific road sign, a certain type of animal, or any other relevant element to the journey. As players spot these items during the trip, they mark them off on their cards.

The goal, similar to traditional bingo, is to complete a row or a specific pattern on the card by spotting all the items in that row or pattern. The first person to complete the pattern calls out “Bingo!” and is declared the winner.

There can also be a second winner if someone then goes on to complete the entire card during the course of the journey.

Travel Bingo is a great way to keep passengers entertained during long trips, and it encourages observation and engagement with the surroundings. It can be customized for different age groups and preferences, making it a versatile and enjoyable travel game.

Variations of travel Bingo include :
  1. Dice-based Travel Bingo: This variation comes with ten dice featuring objects that might be seen while driving, such as animals, vehicles, and buildings. Players roll the dice into the
  2. Classic Travel Bingo Game: This game set includes bingo sheets with common sights to search for while on the road, such as a gas station, restaurant, smokestack, water tower, bird on a wire, flag, and traffic signal. The set includes four different Bingo game pads and four pencils. It is designed to make road trips more fun for the whole family and helps develop observational and simple logic skills.
  3. Road Trip Bingo Cards: There are free road trip bingo cards available for download and printing, which can be used to entertain kids or adults on a long drive. This variation is suitable for road trips and car journeys.
  4. Original Travel Bingo: This is a game board that can be used over and over for miles of fun. It is perfect for long stretches of open highway and comes with one bingo board. This variation was released in the 1950s and is still popular today.

Where to Buy Travel Bingo

You can buy Travel Bingo games from various online and retail stores, including:

  1. Etsy: Visit Etsy for a selection of unique or custom Travel Bingo games.
  2. Amazon: Amazon offers a variety of Travel Bingo games, including the eeBoo Travel Bingo Game and the Regal Games Original Travel Bingo Cards & Travel Scavenger Hunt Game.
  3. Walmart: Walmart also provides Travel Bingo cards for purchase.
  4. Schylling: Schylling offers the Travel Bingo game, which is a game board that can be used repeatedly for miles of fun.

These are just a few options, and you may find Travel Bingo games in other stores as well.

How to create a printable travel bingo

You can create a printable travel bingo game using various online resources that offer free templates. Here are some options:

  1. My Free Bingo Cards ( This website allows you to make free travel bingo cards that can be printed at home or sent out individually to play virtual bingo on any device. The cards can be edited and customized to suit your preferences.
  2. Make Life Lovely ( This website provides a free printable travel bingo game for kids. The game is designed to keep kids busy on family vacations or car drives. You can print the game cards directly from the website.
  3. The Winding Road Tripper ( This website offers free printable road trip bingo cards for the car ride. You can access 10 free printable road trip bingo cards by clicking on the provided link.
  4. Travel Channel ( The Travel Channel provides free road trip bingo cards featuring road signs, landmarks, and wildlife. You can download and print the bingo cards directly from the website.
  5. ( This website offers a variety of free printable car games, including road trip bingo and travel scavenger hunt. You can find the road trip bingo game along with other car games on the website.

These resources provide a range of options for creating and printing travel bingo cards, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Popular Travel Bingo Brands:

Some popular brands for travel bingo games include:
  1. Regal Games: Regal Games offers the Original Interstate Highway Travel Bingo & Highway Hunt Card Game Bundle, which includes travel bingo cards and a travel scavenger hunt game.
  2. Schylling: Schylling provides the Original Travel Bingo, a game board that can be used repeatedly for miles of fun. This variation was released in the 1950s and is still popular today.

These brands offer a variety of travel bingo games that can be found on platforms such as Amazon and Walmart. Additionally, Etsy is a good place to find unique or custom travel bingo games

Common objects on travel bingo cards

  1. Red car
  2. Blue truck
  3. Stop sign
  4. Gas station
  5. Rest area
  6. License plate from a different state
  7. Horse or cow in a field
  8. Windmill
  9. Train
  10. School bus
  11. Airplane in the sky
  12. Bridge
  13. Bicycle
  14. Police car
  15. RV or camper
  16. Billboard with a specific word or image
  17. Hotel or motel sign
  18. Playground
  19. River or stream
  20. Mountains
  21. Church
  22. Construction site
  23. Wind turbine
  24. Fast food restaurant
  25. Horse trailer

Travel bingo games for adults

Travel Bingo games for adults can be customized to include items or scenarios that are more tailored to the interests of older players. Here are some ideas for Travel Bingo games designed for adults:

  1. Landmark Bingo: Include famous landmarks or unique roadside attractions that adults might find interesting, such as historical sites, museums, or iconic buildings.
  2. Culinary Bingo: Feature items related to food and dining experiences, like a local specialty restaurant, a food truck, or a unique dish only found in certain regions.
  3. Nature Bingo: Focus on natural elements, such as specific types of trees, birds, or landscapes. This version can be great for road trips through scenic areas.
  4. Historical Bingo: Include items related to history, such as historical markers, battlefields, or monuments. This can add an educational element to the game.
  5. Brewery or Winery Bingo: If your route takes you through regions known for their breweries or wineries, create cards with items like a brewery tour sign, a vineyard, or a craft beer label.
  6. Cityscape Bingo: If you’re traveling through cities, include items like skyscrapers, public art installations, or famous street names.
  7. Music Festival Bingo: If you’re heading to a music festival or an event with live performances, create cards with musical instruments, concert venues, or specific genres of music.
  8. Photography Bingo: Focus on visual elements that would make for great photographs, such as unique architecture, street art, or picturesque landscapes.

Remember to tailor the bingo cards to the specific interests and preferences of the adults playing the game. You can easily create these cards yourself or find pre-made ones online that suit the theme of your journey.

How to make a diy travel bingo game

Creating a DIY Travel Bingo game is a fun and creative way to customize the game to suit your specific journey and the interests of the players. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your own Travel Bingo game:

Materials Needed:

  1. Paper: Use cardstock or a thicker paper for durability.
  2. Markers or Pens: For drawing or writing on the bingo cards.
  3. Ruler and Pencil: For drawing grid lines.
  4. Stickers or Images: To represent items on the bingo cards.
  5. Laminator (optional): To protect the cards from wear and tear.


  1. Decide on the Theme:
    • Choose a theme for your Travel Bingo game based on the interests of the players or the nature of your journey. Themes could include landmarks, nature, culinary experiences, etc.
  2. Create a List of Items:
    • Make a list of items or scenarios related to your chosen theme. For example, if you’re doing landmark bingo, your list could include specific landmarks or historical sites.
  3. Design Bingo Cards:
    • Use a ruler and pencil to draw a grid on the paper. A traditional bingo card has 5×5 squares.
    • In each square, either draw or write the items from your list. Be creative and use stickers or printed images for a visual touch.
  4. Make Multiple Cards:
    • Create multiple unique bingo cards with a different arrangement of items on each card. This ensures that each player has a different card for variety.
  5. Add a Free Space:
    • Include a “Free Space” in the center of each bingo card. This space is automatically marked, giving players a head start.
  6. Optional: Laminate the Cards:
    • If you have access to a laminator, consider laminating the bingo cards for added durability, especially if you plan to reuse them for future trips.
  7. Create Markers:
    • Players will need something to mark off the items on their cards. You can use small items like buttons, coins, or create custom markers.
  8. Instructions:
    • Include simple instructions on how to play the game. Explain the goal (e.g., complete a row, column, or diagonal) and any specific rules.
  9. Test the Cards:
    • Before your journey, test the cards to ensure that the chosen items are observable and realistic for the route you’ll be taking.
  10. Enjoy the Game:
  • Distribute the cards to the players, and enjoy playing Travel Bingo during your trip!

Remember to tailor the game to the preferences and interests of the players, and feel free to get creative with the design and content of the bingo cards.

Some other car games to play on a road trip

Long road trips can be more enjoyable with a variety of games to keep everyone entertained. Here are some games suitable for long car rides:
  1. License Plate Game:
    • Try to spot license plates from as many different states or countries as possible.
  2. 20 Questions:
    • One person thinks of an object, and the others have 20 chances to guess what it is by asking yes-or-no questions.
  3. I Spy:
    • Choose an object within sight, and say, “I spy with my little eye, something that is [color/shape/etc.].” Others try to guess the object.
  4. Alphabet Game:
    • Find words on signs or license plates that start with each letter of the alphabet in order.
  5. Car Karaoke:
    • Take turns singing along to your favorite songs. Create a road trip playlist before you leave.
  6. Would You Rather:
    • Take turns posing “Would you rather” questions to the group. For example, “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?”
  7. 20 Dollar Challenge:
    • Each passenger has a virtual $20 to “spend” during the trip. They “spend” by spotting items on their side of the road. For example, a cow might cost $1, a red car $5, etc.
  8. Story Cubes:
    • Use story cubes (dice with images) to inspire creativity. Take turns incorporating the images into a collaborative story.
  9. Travel Bingo (as mentioned earlier):
    • Create bingo cards with items related to the journey and see who can complete a row or pattern first.
  10. The Movie Game:
    • Start with a movie title (e.g., “Jurassic Park”). The next person has to name an actor from that movie (e.g., Jeff Goldblum). The game continues with the next person naming a movie featuring Jeff Goldblum.
  11. Rhyme Time:
    • One person says a word, and the next person has to say a word that rhymes. Keep going until someone can’t come up with a rhyme.
  12. Animal Alphabet:
    • Go through the alphabet, taking turns naming animals that start with each letter.
  13. Number Plate Math:
    • Use the numbers on license plates to create mathematical equations. For example, if a license plate reads “452,” you could say “4 + 5 – 2 = 7.”
  14. Punch Buggy:
    • When someone spots a Volkswagen Beetle, they can call out “Punch Buggy” and lightly punch another passenger. Just be sure to establish rules for how hard the punches can be!